AtCoder Solution Collection

Translation Notice
This article was machine-translated using DeepSeek-R1.

  • Original Version: Authored in Chinese by myself
  • Accuracy Advisory: Potential discrepancies may exist between translations
  • Precedence: The Chinese text shall prevail in case of ambiguity
  • Feedback: Technical suggestions regarding translation quality are welcomed

Note: This article was originally published on CSDN and has ceased updates. Original text follows:

AtCoder Solution Collection

A curated collection of high-quality AtCoder solutions from various sources, currently covering C~F problems of ABC (AtCoder Beginner Contest). Periodically updated.

If you need more solutions, feel free to DM me or leave a comment!
$\rarr$ Solution List Portal


  • Table Lookup

    1. Locate the corresponding contest row
    2. Find the target problem column
    3. The cell contains the solution link
  • Problem Number Search

    1. Press Ctrl+F in your browser to open the search box.
    2. Enter the problem ID, e.g., 244F
    3. Locate the solution
  • Title Search

    1. Press Ctrl+F in your browser to open the search box.
    2. Enter the problem title, e.g., Shortest Good Path
    3. Locate the solution

Solution Selection Criteria:

  • Prioritize Chinese solutions
  • Use official AtCoder editorials if no good Chinese solutions exist
  • Select high-quality submission records if no solutions are available shortly after contests

Problem List

Sorted by contest date ascending, starting from ABC195.

Contest C D E F
ABC195 195C - Comma 195D - Shipping Center 195E - Lucky 7 Battle 195F - Coprime Present
ABC196 196C - Doubled 196D - Hanjo 196E - Filters 196F - Substring 2
ABC197 197C - ORXOR 197D - Opposite 197E - Traveler 197F - Construct a Palindrome
ABC198 198C - Compass Walking 198D - Send More Money 198E - Unique Color 198F - Cube
ABC199 199C - IPFL 199D - RGB Coloring 2 199E - Permutation 199F - Graph Smoothing
ABC200 200C - Ringo’s Favorite Numbers 2 200D - Happy Birthday! 2 200E - Patisserie ABC 2 200F - Minflip Summation
ABC201 201C - Secret Number 201D - Game in Momotetsu World 201E - Xor Distances 201F - Insertion Sort
ABC202 202C - Made Up 202D - aab aba baa 202E - Count Descendants 202F - Integer Convex Hull
ABC203 203C - Friends and Travel costs 203D - Pond 203E - White Pawn 203F - Weed
ABC204 204C - Tour 204D - Cooking 204E - Rush Hour 2 204F - Hanjo 2
ABC205 205C - POW 205D - Kth Excluded 205E - White and Black Balls 205F - Grid and Tokens
ABC206 206C - Swappable 206D - KAIBUNsyo 206E - Divide Both 206F - Interval Game 2
ABC207 207C - Many Segments 207D - Congruence Points 207E - Mod i 207F - Tree Patrolling
ABC208 208C - Fair Candy Distribution 208D - Shortest Path Queries 2 208E - Digit Products 208F - Cumulative Sum
ABC209 209C - Not Equal 209D - Collision 209E - Shiritori 209F - Deforestation
ABC210 210C - Colorful Candies 210D - National Railway 210E - Ring MST 210F - Coprime Solitaire
ABC211 211C - chokudai 211D - Number of Shortest paths 211E - Red Polyomino 211F - Rectilinear Polygons
ABC212 212C - Min Difference 212D - Querying Multiset 212E - Safety Journey 212F - Greedy Takahashi
ABC213 213C - Reorder Cards 213D - Takahashi Tour 213E - Stronger Takahashi 213F - Common Prefixes
ABC214 214C - Distribution 214D - Sum of Maximum Weights 214E - Packing Under Range Regulations 214F - Substrings
ABC215 215C - One More aab aba baa 215D - Coprime 2 215E - Chain Contestant 215F - Dist Max 2
ABC216 216C - Many Balls 216D - Pair of Balls 216E - Amusement Park 216F - Max Sum Counting
ABC217 217C - Inverse of Permutation 217D - Cutting Woods 217E - Sorting Queries 217F - Make Pair
ABC218 218C - Shapes 218D - Rectangles 218E - Destruction 218F - Blocked Roads
ABC219 219C - Neo-lexicographic Ordering 219D - Strange Lunchbox 219E - Moat 219F - Cleaning Robot
ABC220 220C - Long Sequence 220D - FG operation 220E - Distance on Large Perfect Binary Tree 220F - Distance Sums 2
ABC221 221C - Select Mul 221D - Online games 221E - LEQ 221F - Diameter set
ABC222 222C - Swiss-System Tournament 222D - Between Two Arrays 222E - Red and Blue Tree 222F - Expensive Expense
ABC223 223C - Doukasen 223D - Restricted Permutation 223E - Placing Rectangles 223F - Parenthesis Checking
ABC224 224C - Triangle? 224D - 8 Puzzle on Graph 224E - Integers on Grid 224F - Problem where +s Separate Digits
ABC225 225C - Calendar Validator 225D - Play Train 225E - フ/7 225F - String Cards
ABC226 226C - Martial artist 226D - Teleportation 226E - Just one 226F - Score of Permutations
ABC227 [227C - ABC conjecture
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