Translation Notice
This article was machine-translated using DeepSeek-R1.
- Original Version: Authored in Chinese by myself
- Accuracy Advisory: Potential discrepancies may exist between translations
- Precedence: The Chinese text shall prevail in case of ambiguity
- Feedback: Technical suggestions regarding translation quality are welcomed
A - Discount
Problem Statement
A product originally priced at $A$ yen is now sold for $B$ yen. What percentage discount is applied?
$1\le B < A\le 10^5$
Input Format
Output Format
Output the answer (without %
). Absolute or relative error up to $10^{-2}$ is allowed.
$A$ | $B$ | Output |
$100$ | $80$ | $20.0$ |
$7$ | $6$ | $14.285714$ |
$99999$ | $99998$ | $0.0010000100001$ |
The answer can be directly calculated using $\frac{A-B}{A}$.
B - Play Snuke
Problem Statement
Takahashi wants to buy a product called Play Snuke.
There are $N$ stores selling Play Snuke. It takes $A_i$ minutes for Takahashi to reach the $i$-th store, which sells the product at $P_i$ yen with $X_i$ units in stock.
Takahashi will visit one of these stores to buy a Play Snuke.
However, each store sells one unit of Play Snuke at $0.5, 1.5, 2.5,\dots$ minutes after opening.
Determine if Takahashi can buy the product. If possible, output the minimum amount he needs to pay.
$1\le N\le 10^5$
$1\le A_i, P_i, X_i\le 10^9$
Input Format
Output Format
If Takahashi can buy Play Snuke, output the minimum cost; otherwise, output -1
Sample Input1
Sample Output1
Takahashi can choose store 2 and pay 8 yen.
Sample Input2
Sample Output2
All stores will have sold out when Takahashi arrives.
Sample Input3
Sample Output3
For store $i$, if $X_i > A_i$, the product is still available when Takahashi arrives. Among all valid stores, select the minimum $P_i$. If no store satisfies $X_i > A_i$, output -1
C - Unexpressed
Problem Statement
Given an integer $N$, how many integers between $1$ and $N$ (inclusive) cannot be expressed as $a^b$ where $a$ and $b$ are integers greater than or equal to $2$?
$1\le N\le 10^{10}$
Input Format
Output Format
Output the answer.
$N$ | Output |
$8$ | $6$ |
$100000$ | $99634$ |
There are relatively few numbers expressible as $a^b$. Enumerate all possible $a$ ($2\le a\le \sqrt N$), collect all $a^b$ values not exceeding $N$ in a set
(for deduplication), then compute $N - \text{final set size}$.
D - Poker
Problem Statement
Refer to the original problem.
Input Format
Output Format
Output Takahashi’s winning probability as a decimal between $0$ and $1$. Absolute or relative error up to $10^{-5}$ is allowed.
$K$ | $S$ | $T$ | Output |
$2$ | 1144# |
2233# |
$0.4444444444444$ |
$2$ | 9988# |
1122# |
$1.0$ |
$6$ | 1122# |
2228# |
$0.0019323671498$ |
$10^5$ | 3226# |
3597# |
$0.6296297942426$ |
$$\begin{cases} C_xC_y & (x \ne y)\\ C_x(C_x - 1) & (x = y)\\ \end{cases}$$
Enumerate all valid $(x, y)$ pairs and divide the result by $(9K - 8)(9K - 9)$.